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Neuropsychologist Biographies

Noran Neurology has three neuropsychologists to serve the needs of our adult and pediatric patients age 17 or older. Click on the provider name to view the biography.

Problems with language, memory, and other abilities can cause difficultly in work, home or social environments. A neuropsychologist has specialized training in evaluating changes that may be symptoms of neurological illness. Understanding these changes can be important in reaching an accurate diagnosis and making decisions about treatment.

A variety of tests are used to determine intellectual problems. These may include specialized measures of attention, memory, language, problem solving, and other cognitive skills.

Based on the test results, the neuropsychologist provides a report to your doctor and makes recommendations for treatment and rehabilitation. Discussing the evaluation with your doctor or other clinic staff can help you understand the condition, and can help you develop effective ways to cope with the symptoms.

Our neuropsychologists hold PhDs in clinical psychology with advanced training in clinical neuropsychology. Our psychology technicians are specially trained to administer neuropsychological tests.

Neuropsychology Services FAQs
Noran Neurology Neuropsychology brochure (printable PDF)